The Beat Depression Program is for anyone who’s tried to fix their depression alone, or with the help of anti-depressants, and it hasn’t worked.
We know what it’s like to feel so hopeless that you’ve lost all confidence that you’ll ever feel happy again. We understand the sinking feelings of trying to carry on believing that it’s not going to work this time. It’s not just feeling blue, it’s also:
All of us feel blue, low or out of sorts every now and again. We may even say we’re ‘feeling depressed’. But real depression is more than simply being down in the dumps. Real depression is when you’ve felt wretched for months or years and you can’t see a way out of the long, long, dark tunnel. The difference between someone who’s feeling ‘down’ and someone who’s suffering from the debilitating agony of real depression is that the truly depressed person has no idea how they will get out.
The Beat Depression Program is based on the best selling book ‘Beat Depression And Reclaim Your Life’ by Alexandra Massey which was hailed as a ‘breakthrough’ by the Chief Executive of SANE, the leading mental health charity.
It offers practical step-by-step solutions you can take at your own pace with guidance and exercises to get you moving out of the fog and into the light.
The NHS resources to treat depression are limited. Although the ‘talking therapies’ are available you can be placed on a waiting list for many months before you see someone. The problem is that when we need help, we need it straight away.
The most common method of treatment is prescription anti-depressants. These may offer a short term solution but the long term effects can be counter productive because they simply deal with the symptoms of the depression by numbing our real feelings; when you stop using them, the depression returns.
This Program goes to the heart of depression and helps you heal it from the inside out.
The steps are based on scientifically researched techniques which are used everyday in therapeutic settings by mental health professionals. They are designed to: